Job Description


Save the Children International (SCI) Somalia program hereby invites interested consultants to bid for the consultancy assignment detailed below

2SCI Contracting OfficeSave the ChildrenGarowe SCI Office
3Period of Consultancy20days
4Consultant type requiredBoth Individual, Firm
5Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Coststhe consultant shall be responsible for their own logistics arrangements costs. And their per-diem. 
6Taxation ProvisionsConsultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above
7Travel requirementsthe consultan is required to travel to project locations  during the consultancy activities. List specific locationsthe consultant will travel to Garowe, Puntland somalia
8Security requirementsConsultant will comply with standard Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia
9Qualification and ExperienceThe following attributes are requirements for the selection of the evaluation consultant:Relevant Masters level education experience and training in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Management and/or related fields.A team with a combination of at least two of the fields will have an added advantage.Proven experience of not less than 5 years in conducting quality evaluations and assessing EGRASolid methodological and research skillsThorough knowledge on the relevant thematic areas and Somalia contextFluency in English language and local language skills would be helpful.Excellent report writing skillsAble to communicate effectively and work in the project areas for the duration of the data collection.Able to demonstrate solid experience with evidence of previous work on similar topics and/or for international organization.Ability to work at Save the Children offices in Garowe, as required to meet the expected deliverables listed below
10Evaluation CriteriaThe consultant must meet the required qualifications and experience defined above and completeness of application.
11Application ProcedureInterested consultants should submit their applications via email to [All applications should be sent to puntland.supplychain@savethechildren.org with the subject line, “Application For WWI III MIDLINE AND ECW-MYRP BASELINE ASSESSMENT ON EARLY GRADE READING ASSESMENT (EGRA)The applications should be submitted in PDF format as one document comprising Technical and Financial sections as detailed below.Technical proposal – including but not limited to :Consultants understanding of the assignment and contextApproach to the assignmentMethodologyToolsDeliverablesWorkplanKey staff biodataFinancial proposal – providing a breakdown of all charges related to the assignment.Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancyAll applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.
12Closing date for ApplicationsInterested consultants shall submit their applications through the email address provided above on or before 16th September, 2020.Shortlisted candidates will be requested for an interview if needed.
13Terms of Reference (ToR)Complete ToR with details appended below attached herewith as    Annex 1.Purpose of the consultancy,Introduction of the project,Background of the consultancy,Objectives of the consultancy,Proposed methodology and approach,Scope of work,Key deliverables / outputsActivity timelines

ANNEX 1 : Consultancy Terms of Reference

Insert Terms of Reference



The Baseline and Midline ASSESSMENT’S OF WWI AND ECW-MYRP PROJECTS ON EARLY GRADE READING ASSESSMENT (EGRA) will be funded under the two main consortiums WWI III and ECW-MTYRP in Puntland. This activity is part of a wider agenda of empowering literacy and numeracy of the school aged children

Back ground: –

To address the existed challenges, consortium comprising of Save the Children, CARE and SIDRA  was formed to implementing the three-year ECW-funded  Education facilitated Multi-Year Resilience Program to achieve improved learning and wellbeing of children affected by emergencies in drought-affected areas in Puntland and build resilience of affected population through increased access to quality, inclusive, gender-responsive, child-friendly and sustainable education to the delivery of effective primary  Education (PE) including special needs, Secondary Education (SE), Accelerated Basic Education (ABE), Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET, Non Formal Education (NFE), education services addressing the populations  priority needs., thus, MYRP consortium in close coordination with MOEHE is planning to undertake baseline three-year Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) to serve as a mapping and needs assessment for selected targets.

In addition, Save the Children International has been implementing a European Union (EU) funded Education support program titled Education is Light (Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin 2), The programme is implemented by a Consortium comprising of CARE, Save the Children, ADRA and VU Amsterdam University who are working in close coordination with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education – MOEHE- in Puntland. The programme being implemented in puntland education sector and its  is expected to contribute to a sustainable, cohesive education system offering relevant services to relevant school aged group and youth age groups in Puntland with emphasis on   effective quality leaning and training delivery and employment. However,

Ever since the devastating civil war of 1988-91, the vast majority of school age children in Somalia and Somaliland have had very limited access to basic services in general and basic education in particular.  The protracted war has left the education system nearly dysfunctional. Throughout Somalia and Somaliland, the average Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) at primary school level is the lowest in the world with at 30% (based on UNICEF primary education survey 2006 – 2007). This figure hides even lower figures for children in certain geographic areas, and others who are often denied access including girls, children of the pastoralist communities, those with disabilities, and children displaced through drought and conflict. Even where children enrol in school, only about 50% of those entering grade one are likely to complete grade 4 and a mere 18% will complete grade 8.

The most alarming issue in the education system is that, even those enrolled are not learning. Over 40% of active teachers are untrained and mainly practice the conventional teacher centered teaching methodologies because of the failure of the teacher training and support system. There is a weak support for the teachers by the quality assurance officers, as they are neither well trained nor adequate in number. All schools gauge quality of education by the amount of inputs (teacher pupil ratio, pupil text book ratio, etc) instead of learning outcomes. The role of reading in facilitating children’s learning had never been an agenda except very recent when the Minimum Learning Achievement (MLA) is exercised in schools in Puntland and Somaliland.

The recent MLA assessment conducted by African Education Trust (AET) in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Higher Studies (MOE&HS) in Somaliland and Puntland indicated that children’s reading skills are far below the level they need for learning at the specific grades.  The overall results suggested that between 15% and 20% of the children in grade 4 remain illiterate, unable to recognise single words or read and understand the most basic sentences. Further the document states that “30 to 40% would seem to be struggling at this level”.  With all its limitations this assessment was able to indicate that children are not acquiring the required reading competencies for their respective grades. This vividly indicates a need for systematic intervention in improving children’s reading skills to facilitate learning to happen.

Purpose of the end line/ midline and Baseline assessment: –

To systematically address this learning gap in future, Save the children International Somalia/ program is planning to implement Literacy program in the context of Somalia as an evidence-based response to rise the number of children completing primary school who are able to read well enough to learn. To benchmark this program, EGRA baseline for ECW MYRP and WWI II program will be conducted. The base line and midline assessment will be carried out in grade 1- 3 of WWI III and ECW MYRP supported schools. The findings are anticipated to establish the reading ability of children in grades from 1-3 in targeted schools, evidences on the existing gaps, areas of strength to build on and generate recommend to be taken towards improving children’s learning outcome.

General Objectives baseline and midline. 

Establish the existing literacy capabilities and gaps in early grades in WWI III and ECW MYRP targeted schools to inform program interventions for improving children’s reading and comprehension skills for better learning outcomes. In Additions, The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to generate information about the performance of the project (its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness), to document lessons learned and to provide practical recommendations for improving literacy and numeracy to WWI III Target schools reading in puntland. The mid-term evaluation is expected to provide information that enables SC and its partners to develop strategies to further improve their interventions.

Specifically, the consultant is expected to generate information from all relevant project indicators, that requires mid-term data collection.

NB: Project detailed log frame and other relevant project documents will be shared with the successful candidate.

Specific objectives

Conduct EGRA baseline and midline assessment for WWI II and ECW MYRP and produce comprehensive report on core reading skills, namely: – letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension of graded 1-3 children using EGRA tools

Establish factors impacting reading and learning of children.

Based on the findings of the above generate lessons learnt, challenges, and best practices make realistic and feasible recommendations for improving resilience interventions.

Scope of the work

Conduct a literature review that includes a review of literature on neighboring countries that have conducted EGRA and relevant studies on Literacy conducted in Somalia/Somaliland to provide a contextual background for this assessment.

Conduct EGRA baseline assessment and midline for WWI III and produce comprehensive report,

In analyzing focus on five core skills that research has shown are central to learning to read: – letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension.

The target groups should be children of grade 2&3 in the 2019 – 2020 academic year.

Conduct interviews/focus group discussions with children and teachers to identify in and out of school factors contributing or/ hindering children’ acquisition of the core reading skills

Analyze the data and produce a comprehensive report detailing findings on all core reading skills segregated by districts, urban and rural, sex and schools.

Facilitate verification workshop on the findings and recommendations for key education actors, CECs, teachers, children and MoE staff and incorporate comments, feedbacks and enrich the document


Use standard EGRA methodology to analyze the data.


A draft report for WWI III program schools’ midline and ECW-MYRP baseline EGRA assessment report in Puntland

Revised first draft final reports, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from different counterparts.

Final Reports (electronic copy in PDF format and DOC format)

An executive summary report of maximum 3 pages

Electronic copy of all the data sets used in the data analysis.

Enumerator’s/Data collector’s roles and responsibilities;

Conduct baseline and midline for EGRA Assessment under WWI project target locations.

Take part in Key informant interviews and focus group discussions as assigned by the assessment consultant/leader.

Review baseline assessment tools in order to ensure accuracy of data while in the field.

Ensure adherence to a laid down Code of Conduct for Enumerators SCI policy

Complete all planned tasks in required time frame evidenced by submission of completed tasks to the supervisor/team leader.

Time frame: – 

The assignment will be undertaken in November, 2020.

ActivityMan days
APreparation of the inception report and questionnaires3
BTraining of the enumerators and piloting the tools2
CField Work (Data Collection)8
DConsultative and debriefing meetings at Garowe2
Total=SUM(ABOVE) 20

Presentation of the Results

The consultancy is expected to produce a quality report focusing on each project outcome, output as well as project indicators, which provides clear information a head of the project implementation; differentiating findings, conclusions and recommendations. The consolidated summary shall put together the key findings from the project target areas and beneficiaries, analyse them and make implementation recommendations. In addition to the report the consultancy shall submit data on methodology used, data collection tools, interview outlines, list of people interviewed/met, etc.

Organisation, Roles and Responsibility

The consultancy will be contracted by and report to Save the Children. The project team, country office MEAL staff and SCI technical team will also support for the baseline and midline study process. They will provide any necessary available documents and information needed, they will also provide technical assistance.

Location: The consultancy will take place in Puntland,

Code of conduct

Save the Children’s work is based on deeply held values and principles of child safeguarding, and it is essential that our commitment to children’s rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff and other people working for and with Save the Children. Save the Children’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to and the consultant is bound to sign and abide to the Save the Children’s Code of Conduct.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service.  The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if Save the Children discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

Expertise required

The following attributes are requirements for the selection of the evaluation consultant:

Relevant Masters level education experience and training in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Management and/or related fields.

A team with a combination of at least two of the fields will have an added advantage.

Proven experience of not less than 5 years in conducting quality evaluations and assessing emergency and integrated programmes

Solid methodological and research skills

Thorough knowledge on the relevant thematic areas and Somalia context

Fluency in English language and local language skills would be helpful.

Excellent report writing skills

Able to communicate effectively and work in the project areas for the duration of the data collection.

Able to demonstrate solid experience with evidence of previous work on similar topics and/or for international organization.

Application Procedure & Requirements

Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and timelines.

Initial work plan and indication of availability

A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected including accommodation, transportation, stationary, research assistances and all other cost related to this assignment. (Operational and consultancy fees).

Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references

A sample of previously conducted similar studies.

Budget Breakdown in Below Structure


Source: Primary Education Survey 2006-2007 UNICEF Somalia

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