Building Resilient Communities

in Somalia (BRCiS)         



The Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Consortium was created in late 2013 by a small group of people, that had been working in Somalia in 2011 and had seen the famine unrolling before their eyes, a famine that took an incredibly high number of lives and that pushed Somalis to the far end of their resources and creativity in their long-lasting struggle for survival in one of the longest, deepest crisis of the past century. How Somalia and the international community could be caught off-guard by a series of failed rains seasons, an event rather banal per Somalia’s standards, has been tentatively explained by various pieces of research. Competing imperatives, risk adversity, high intensity bureaucracy, and slow mobilization of resources were invoked.

When DFID, one of Somalia’s main humanitarian donors, decided that they would shape their investments along different lines, re-inventing the map of humanitarian investments in Somalia, along multi-year, flexible and adaptive modalities, the BRCiS story had begun. The Consortium acknowledges that where deeply rooted vulnerabilities and poverty intersects with shocks and stresses to produce recurrent crises and undermine development perspectives, impactful support will mostly look at increasing communities capacities to adapt to change and improve capacity to reduce risks. The resilience building model[1] used by BRCiS is actually a practical approach to sequencing, layering and integrating that generates high level of community acceptance by standing by the communities during hardships and offering a certain degree of protection while mostly promoting self-reliance and dignity.

Four years of integrated resilience in different contexts in Somalia has taken the BRCiS Consortium on a rich learning journey. In 2013, when the BRCiS approach was designed, it was based on the rationale that resilience programme had to be informed by the very people whose resilience had to improve. This approach acknowledged that knowing which livelihood group a community mostly belongs to, and which environment they live in (dry-land, riverine, urban…) is not sufficient to design the best interventions. Resilience of whom? Resilience to what? Resilience through what? And to what end? BRCiS programme approach was based on the assumption that decisions made at the field level, through an empowered and inclusive decision-making would be the most impactful and sustainable decisions to address local challenges and deep-rooted vulnerabilities.

Along the way, the Consortium witnessed many successes supporting the assumption that community-informed, flexible programming has indeed built communities’ resilience to shocks and brought them on the path of a possible development through a better management of their vulnerabilities and exposure to shock and stresses. When the approach was implemented properly, and as the programme progressed in implementation, mentalities changed: in the villages, in the BRCiS organizations, at field level but also at management level. Participants and field staff felt empowered to apply flexibility and be creative with activity design. They felt more confident sharing concerns, discussing threats and taking new risks. Communities started contributing to the project more actively, raising funding internally or with the support of their diaspora community to complement BRCiS supported investments. NRC and the implementing partners Action Against Hunger (AAH), CESVI, Concern Worldwide, IRC, Candlelight, Save the Children, KAALO and GREDO will seek to address specific needs and constraints of agro-pastoral and peri-urban communities by supporting functioning and effective formal and informal groups, institutions, and governance systems that support resilience building at households and community levels.

The process of implementing TVET requires identification of institutions that offer the courses, identification of beneficiary trainees on competitive basis and provide material grants to trainees after completion and certification.

ACF has conducted a rapid skills gap assessment during which the following occupations were assessed as most needed and marketable for self and wage employment.

  • Dress-making and tailoring,
  • Electrical and electronic, including mobile repairs.
  • Beauty Saloon (Tie and Dye beautification, barbershop and hairdressing).
  • Carpentry/Joinery.

The main objective of the assignment is to deliver quality vocational skills training and employment promotion services for 46 selected beneficiaries, managing their skills testing and linking the graduates to gainful employment in the trained occupations. The technical institution will provide 4 months technical skill development training, literacy, entrepreneurship trainings, life skill and work placement/industrial attachment.


The following deliverables are expected from the institution:

  • Develop/adopt existing curricula and develop a training program tailored to the capacity and needs of the target trainees in selected skills:
  • Dress-making and tailoring.
  • Electrical and electronic, including mobile repairs.
  • Beauty Saloon (Tie and dye beautification, barbershop and hairdressing).
  • Carpentry/Joinery
  • Provide and manage training venue with adequate learning equipment and teaching materials to facilitate both theory and practical lessons as per the training and employment service requirements.
  • Organize training facilities as per occupation standard.
  • Recruitment and engagement of qualified and practically experienced TVET instructors/trainers for each group of trainees in selected trades by the target trainees.
  • Organize orientation program for recruited TVET instructors.
  • Enrolment of selected trainees.
  • Conduct sessions on career guidance and counseling to the trainees including a clear oriented session on training activities, career opportunities, training duration and training modalities.
  • Organize and deliver in-house technical skills training program for selected trainees in selected trades including complementary modules in entrepreneurship development and work readiness skills training ensuring the use of learner-centered competency-based methodologies having adequate practical work.
  • Organize raw materials and other training consumables for the selected occupation/s.
  • Ensure adequate practical involvement of the trainees as per the curriculum.
  • Ensure health and safety issues are identified and addressed and maintain this role throughout the learning program.
  • Monitoring and supervision of training activities and learning progress of each trainee
  • Manage assessment and certification for the trainees in close coordination with mandated line ministries of the South West State of Somalia
  • In close collaboration with ACF field office, organize graduation ceremony for the graduates.
  • Prepare and submit to ACF Somalia periodic training progress reports and other administrative reports related to the assignment as appropriate
  • Coordinate with employers and develop roster of the employers with wage and internship opportunities.
  • Linkage of the trainees/graduates with the potential employers and opportunities.
  • Manage employment of the graduates in wage employment in trained areas
  • Selection of trainees and linking of trainees to the training facility on agreed date and upon signing agreement with institution and trainees
  • Facilitate training launch event.
  • Monitoring and advisory support by Resilience Officer, Resilience PM, HOD / FSL specialist and other designated ACF staff.
  • Ensure timely payment by disbursing the agreed training cost to the institution through the designated bank accounts monthly.
  • Provide basic start-up kit to trainees as advised by training service provider at the end of the training.
  • ACF will provide a monthly training fee to institution and stipend to trainees (at agreed rate).
  • Facilitate graduation ceremony for the trainees

4.0 Deliverables:

The training institution to provide;

  • Inception Report by the end of 2nd week of the 1st Month of the training.
  • Monthly Training Report and Duly signed daily Attendance sheet by every end month starting from 1st Month of the training
  • Training Completion Report after completion of the assignment.
  • Post training Follow-up and Employment Report:

ACF to make payment at per schedule below (46) and once all training reports are submitted:

Tranche #DeliverablesPercentage (%)
1stOn signing the Contract
2ndSubmission and acceptance of inception Report at end of Month 1
3rdSubmission and acceptance of Midterm Report at end of Month 3
4th (Final Payment)Certification, submission of completion report.

The training institution should fulfill the following criteria for selection:

  1. Wide experience in the implementation of Technical education and training, Employment and Employability and Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises Development Schemes in Somalia, especially in the South west state (Preferably Xudur district) with supporting women and youth at risk to take forward sustainable reintegration mechanism.
  2. Has experience and proven record of accomplishment in Business counseling and provision of tailor made BDS services training, literacy programming and work placement.
  3. Strong partnership and productive working relations with local authority, state and federal and federal member states,
  4. Be registered and approved by government authority to run technical training in Somalia.
  5. Must demonstrate strong linkage with private sector to stimulate and facilitate employment promotion through on the job training, internship, traditional apprenticeship, job placement for wage employment, start-up support and access to financing.
  6. Demonstrate ability to embrace inclusiveness and deliver gender sensitive training with greater equity in the delivery of the assistance and promote do no harm approach in programming.
  7. Has proven track record in contracts financed, among others, by UN and International agencies

Operating in Somalia and possesses proven expertise and experience relevant to the SSF RFP.

  1. Application procedures:

The Consultant Training institution is required to provide the

  1. a) Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted.
  2. b) Appropriate timelines to perform the assignment (work plan).
  3. c) Financial Proposal –The financial proposal shall show clearly the breakdown of costs, payment modalities among others.

8: Quotation for institution tuition and Practical Training cost:

CoursesUnitsDuration MonthsCost per unit per month $Total cost $
Carpentry and Joinery24
Electrical and electronics, Including Mobile repairs24
Beauty Salon (Tie and dye Beautification and Hair dressing, barber shop)24
Tailoring and dress making44
Total cost $10  

Applications must be received on or before 16th November 2020 to E-Mail:

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