Invitation to Tender: Provision of Car Hire Services in Nine (9) Regions Across Somalia (21/483)





CLOSING DATE: 12:00 hrs, Noon, Nairobi Time on 14 February 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Office for Somalia (the Organization), intends to have certain services performed which are required for the implementation of its activities, and you are hereby invited to submit your Bid for the award of a contract for:

Provision of Car Hire Services in Nine (9) Regions Across Somalia (21/483) hereinafter referred to as “the Services”

The following procedures have been established by this Organization for the award of this contract:

  1. Procedures
  • A certain number of firms are being invited to submit bids and this Organization intends, without having committed itself in any way to any of the firms it invites, to award the contract to the firm which it considers as having submitted the best bid;
  • To qualify for award of Contract, a bidder shall meet the following minimum qualifying requirement:
    • Legal registration in Somalia;
    • Possess valid business licenses/permit(s) within the lot(s)/region(s) applied for;
    • Experience over the last three years as a contractor in the provision of car hire services under at least one contract similar to the Services required under this tender;
    • The company shall be in possession of the stipulated minimum number of vehicles meeting all the requirements of Annex 1 – Description of Services, in their fleet per lot as follows:
  1. Lot 1, Awdal, Galbeed and Togdheer, Somaliland – five (5) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
  2. Lot 2, Sool and Sanaag, Somaliland – two (2) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20- seater shuttle bus.
  • Lot 3, Bari, Nugaal, North Mudug, Sool and Sanaag, Puntland – three (3) 4×4 4- seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle
  1. Lot 4, South Mudug and Galgadud, Galmudug – three (3) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
  2. Lot 5, Hiran Region, Southern Somalia – two (2) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20- seater shuttle bus.
  3. Lot 6, Banadir, Shabelle and L. Shabelle, Southern Somalia – three (3) 4×4 4- seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
  • Lot 7, Bay and Bakool, Southern Somalia – three (3) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
  • Lot 8, Gedo, Southern Somalia – three (3) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
  1. Lot 9, Juba and L. Juba Regions, Southern Somalia – two (2) 4×4 4-seater cars and one (1) 20-seater shuttle bus.
    • In submitting your Bid you are supposed to have considered all aspects relevant to the performance of the proposed contract and to have obtained all necessary information and data as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect your
  • It is understood that all documents, calculations, which may form part of your Bid will become the property of the Organization who will not be required to return them to your firm.
  • The Organization may decide to make a partial award or no award at all should it consider that the results of this tender so
  • All costs incurred to prepare your Bid have to be borne by you; this Organization will not be liable to reimburse any or all of such
  • The Organization reserves the right to publish the details of awards; including supplier name and country, total Contract value and a brief description of the works or In all cases, unsuccessful bidders will be notified.
  • The purpose/use of the vehicles is professional and limited to the FAO Somalia’s mandate for use within the region(s) of the particular lot and/or between regions of close proximity as the jurisdiction, security and other situation on the ground
  • This tender is in nine (9) lots, with each lot representing the requirements in an administrative region or a group of administrative regions in Somalia. Bidders can quote for any one lot, several or all lots but after evaluation and ranking of rates by lot, contract award for each of the nine (9) lots will depend on bidder’s qualifications and capacity to execute the required services under this tender measured based on the minimum qualification requirements. Award will be made by
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